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MOVE EVENT <label> TO <Pos1>,<Pos2>
This command is useful when moving an icon button from one location to
another. The move will not change the status of the button unless the
optional ACTIVATE or DEACTIVATE clauses are used.
<Pos1> is the new row screen coordinate of the event object.
<Pos2> is the new column screen coordinate of the event object.
<label> is the event object name.
<ACTIVATE> is an optional specification that activates the event object
in its new location.
<DEACTIVATE> is an optional specification that deactivates the event
object in its new location.
MOVE EVENT "button one" TO 20,20 // move event object
Purpose: Move a previously defined event object
Mapped Function: __MovEventRegion() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
dGE functions: msethot(),loadicon()
Other GL UDFs: __ScanObjects,__DrawSuperIcon(),__HandleError()
System variables: _handles_[],_eshadow_,_icnfile_,_dgepath_
System constants: None.
See Also:
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson